What this 22 year old Lady in Kibera did after sleeping with her father will leave you cursing

Monday, 22 June 2015 - Residents of the sprawling Kibera slums in Nairobi are still in shock after news spread out that a 22 year old lady had eloped with her dad to an unknown destination.

According to the lady’s mum, Caroline Achieng, her daughter and her husband had an affair that saw the teenage daughter get pregnant.
The lady then procured an ab()rti()n but when her mother learnt about the bizarre things taking place at her home, an altercation ensued that saw the two lovers leave their matrimonial home.
According to Mrs Achieng, she had confronted the two after they had tricked her to paying medical fees that resulted from a complication the lady got after she ab()rt3d an eight week foetus.
“We have had our low moments as a family and at some point it got so bad that I fought with my husband and he moved out of our house carrying his and my daughter’s clothes,” Ms Achieng
Ms Achieng was later to learn that her husband of 15 years had moved in with her first born daughter and were living in an estate unknown to her.

She is now urging her daughter to come back home. 

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