Money talks:See the amount of cash BABU OWINO poured to free students arrested in demos

Thursday, 24 September 2015 - On Wednesday, business along major roads within Nairobi’s Central Business district were brought to a standstill as students from the Nairobi University took to the streets to express their dissatisfaction following the delay in the disbursement of their student loans. 

Led by their Chairman, Babu Owino, the students piled on the street demanding for the immediate release of their money. 

However the demonstrations later turned ugly as riot police sought to disperse the students after some started harassing motorists, damaging newly installed street lights on University Way and worst of all, stepped on the infamous Kidero grass. 

11 students were then arrested and arraigned in a Nairobi court where they were charged with taking part in an unlawful assembly and malicious damage of property. 

Senior Principal Magistrate Martha Mutuku later released the students on a cash bail of Sh20, 000 each, after they denied the charges. 

But like a good leader, chairman, Babu Owino, who is known for his flamboyancy,  turned up at the courts and bailed the students out by coughing out a whooping Kshs 2220,000. 

The student’s case will be heard on October 7.

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