Dr. ROSYLENE AKOMBE reveals names of two State officers who UHURU and RAILA are planning to use to rig the 2022 election

Friday, October 16, 2020 
– Former Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) Commissioner, Dr. Roselyn Akombe, has revealed the names of two state officers who have been appointed by President Uhuru Kenyatta to assist him in rigging the 2022 presidential election.

Uhuru, who has since fallen out with his Deputy William Ruto, wants former Prime Minister Raila Odinga, to be his successor.

The President is using any means to ensure Raila Odinga becomes president in 2022.

Last year, Uhuru appointed former IEBC ICT Director, James Muhati to head Huduma Kenya as the Chief Executive Officer.

According to Ruto’s allies, Muhati was appointed to plan how to rig the 2022 presidential election using Huduma Namba.

Also according to Akombe, Muhati is the man who rigged the 2017 presidential election in favour of Uhuru.

She also said the appointment of former IEBC voter education chief, Emmaculate Kassait, as Data commissioner, is another plot of rigging the 2022 presidential election.

This is what Akombe wrote on Thursday.

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