Drama as RUTO’s friend, KHALWALE, takes to his heels after police lobbed teargas to disrupt the burial event of his treasured ‘MALINYA POGBA’

Sunday, October 18, 2020
 – There was drama at Malinya Grounds in Kakamega yesterday after former Kakamega Senator and Deputy President William Ruto’s ally, Boni Khalwale, vanished in the thin air after police teargassed an event he held to honour his dead bull.

Khalwale had organised a bullfighting contest in Malinya to celebrate his dead bull named ‘Malinya Pogba’ and attracted a sizeable crowd.

He revealed, at the event, that the bull succumbed to East Coast Fever.

The former Senator buried the bull and proceeded to Malinya grounds at around 2 p.m. for the ceremony tagging along his son’s bull called ‘Sanchez’.

Confirming the incident, a member of the Kakamega Bullfighting Association, Bonventure Munanga, noted that the gathering was a peaceful one and he failed to understand why the police showed up.

He further explained that people had gathered to give ‘Pogba’ a final sendoff when teargas abruptly dominated the air.

Munanga further noted that Khalwale had gone above and beyond to offer a good burial ceremony to the beloved bull within the bullfighting circles.

“Khalwale has done the unthinkable by burying his champion bull like an elder.”

“We don’t understand why police came to disperse a peaceful gathering,” Munanga wondered.

But according to the police, the gathering was illegal and flouted Covid-19 rules as constituted by the Ministry of Health.

“We cannot allow villages to violate rules meant to fight the Covid-19 pandemic. Police will enforce the guidelines set by the government.”

“It is for the good of everyone,” stated Kakamega South Police Commander Joseph Chesire.

He also noted that police officers were looking for the former senator to record a statement regarding the incident.

“The police commander also revealed that charges were likely to be preferred against the former Senator.

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