Gloves off as RUTO snuffles life out of Jubilee literally before jumping ship after UHURU’s men threatened to expel him

Monday October 5, 2020
 – Pushed into a corner and on the brink of being kicked out of the party he helped form in 2013, Deputy President William Ruto has vowed to burn Jubilee to the ground.

According to sources, the Tanga Tanga faction of the Jubilee Party which is associated with Ruto has retreated to draw an elaborate fightback plan.  

“They aim is to snuff the life out of the ruling party, take on and defeat President Kenyatta’s lieutenants and — if this does not work — burn down the house before jumping onto a safe boat,” the source intimated. 

From withholding their monthly dues to Jubilee to backing the dissolution of Parliament, forcing grassroot elections and mooting an alternative coalition for Ruto’s 2022 presidential race, the DP’s faction is not taking the threat against Kenya’s second-in-command lying down.

Speaking on Saturday, Ruto beat the political war drums, cautioning his opponents in the ruling party to brace themselves for a bruising battle.

“I’ve heard some people saying they don’t want hustlers at the Jubilee headquarters.”

“It’s okay, but the conversation on the economic empowerment of the poor will not stop.”

“The country is experiencing labor pains.”

“We are in the process of delivering a new conversation in Kenya,” the DP said in Nakuru.

In a clear illustration of their growing boldness, Ruto’s troops have vowed to resist any attempts by President’s Kenyatta’s Kieleweke wing to wrestle control of the party from the DP and force his eventual exit.

Speaking yesterday, the DP’s allies revealed that their plan is to first starve the Jubilee Secretariat of cash by stopping their monthly contributions and then the rest will follow.

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