KIPCHUMBA MURKOMEN claims speakers at the Bomas of Kenya were coached to attack DP WILLIAM RUTO

 Monday, October 26, 2020 – Elgeyo Marakwet Senator, Kipchumba Murkomen, has sensationally claimed that all speakers at the Bomas of Kenya during the launch of the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) report, on Monday, were coached to attack Deputy President William Ruto.

Through his Twitter handle, Murkomen, who is a close ally of Ruto, said the Bomas meeting was set to demean and undermine the DP.

The outspoken lawmaker further stated that the organisers of the launch refused to invite leaders allied to Ruto’s Tanga Tanga movement.

“All the Speakers have been coached and rehearsed to attack only one man, the Deputy President in a Building Bridges Initiative. What a paradox! Does he occupy their thoughts that much? No wonder they refused to invite anyone associated with him,” Murkomen tweeted.

Soy MP Caleb Kositany, who is also a loyal phalanx of the DP also raised similar concerns regarding the speeches that were being delivered at the Bomas of Kenya.

“Wheelbarrow conversation has found its way to the BBI function. Good coaching of some of the speakers though,” Kositany said on his Twitter page.

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