MURATHE spills the beans on who will be RAILA ODINGA’s running mate in 2022 presidential bid – ‘The system’ has already decided

Wednesday, October 14, 2020 
- Jubilee Party Vice Chairman, David Murathe, has maintained that the person who will succeed President Uhuru Kenyatta in 2022 is none other than ODM Party leader, Raila Odinga.

In an exclusive interview with one of the local dailies on Tuesday, Murathe, who is a close ally of President Uhuru Kenyatta, also said the Kikuyu community elders who visited Raila Odinga’s home in Bondo last weekend, were there to endorse his presidential bid.

He said the Mt Kenya region is ready for a Raila Odinga presidency and this was demonstrated by over 700 elders who visited the former Premier’s home.

When asked about Raila Odinga’s running mate in 2022, Murathe said in the coming two weeks Raila Odinga will send a delegation of leaders to Central Kenya to see who fits to be his running mate.

“We will have a delegation of Raila supporters visit Nyeri in two weeks. From there we will escalate to more meetings, including the Njuri Ncheke and Kiama. Gradually, we will see what fits in,” Murathe said.

Murathe hinted that former Gatanga MP, Peter Kenneth, is the man who will be Raila Odinga’s running mate in 2022.

“You saw him in Bondo and he had a blessing of Kikuyu elders,” Murathe said.

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