Respect the President!! – RUTO heckled and booed at BBI report unveiling at the Bomas of Kenya

 Monday, October 26, 2020 – Deputy President William Ruto was on Monday heckled and booed at the Bomas of Kenya after he started criticising the Building Bridges Initiative (BB) report.

The DP, who is second in command, started by poking holes in the report by saying it has many issues that should be reviewed.

Ruto particularly took issue with the proposal on the establishment of a Judiciary Ombudsman, who will be appointed by the President.

The DP also said that this might take the country back to the dark days, where the president used to issue guidelines to judges in some cases via a phone call.

As Ruto gave his reservations about the BBI report, the crowd that had gathered at the Bomas started chanting “respect the President” and others booed him.

The DP, who seemed unmoved by the hecklers, said he had listened to the views pf other speakers and he should be listened to.

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