See how fearless DP RUTO tore BBI into pieces in front of UHURU and RAILA – The president and ODM leader wished the ground could swallow them

 Tuesday, October 27, 2020 – Deputy President William Ruto went full throttle yesterday, tearing the Building Bridges Initiative report into pieces in the presence of President Uhuru Kenyatta and his handshake buddy, Raila Odinga.

The DP braved a hostile audience to articulate his reservations on the proposed amendments to the constitution through the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI).

Appearing calm and composed amid heckling from a section of delegates at the Bomas of Kenya auditorium, Ruto faced down Uhuru and Raila to give his submissions, outlining his misgivings on the BBI report.

Dr. Ruto, who has previously avoided openly antagonising his boss, did not mince his words in tearing the document to shreds.

The DP said the BBI report failed to address the agriculture sector which he said was the backbone of the economy.

The DP also had a bone to pick with proposals regarding the Judiciary in a direct attack to the President who has seemingly against the David Maraga-led Judiciary.

He also opposed proposals to have an ombudsman appointed by the executive to the judiciary.

On the proposed changes on the appointment of commissioners to the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), Ruto faulted recommendations that political parties participate in the appointment of the officers, arguing that it will erode its independence and therefore will not carry out its mandate fairly.

Ruto also took issue with the proposal to establish a police council chaired by a cabinet minister.

According to him, the independence of our police force is under threat with this recommendation.

On matters to do with devolution, even though Dr. Ruto agreed with the proposal to increase resources by 35 percent, he said there is a need to ensure the Senate has the necessary constitutional power to ensure those resources are available and used properly.

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