This is political skullduggery! RUTO fights off fresh attempt to demolish his magnificent Weston Hotel as he links the push to 2022 poll

Monday October 5, 2020
 – Deputy President William Ruto has linked the push to demolish his Weston Hotel to the 2022 Presidential Elections where he is fighting to succeed President Uhuru Kenyatta.

The hotel has filed fresh court papers arguing that the suit is a conspiracy between the Kenya Civil Aviation Authority (KCAA) and certain political actors to politicize the controversial land deal for cheap political drama.

KCAA is pushing for the revocation of the title issued in the 1990s, which ultimately will lead to the demolition of Weston Hotel.

The authority has challenged the National Land Commission (NLC) ruling that the controversial Weston Hotel should retain the land and compensate KCAA at the current market value, drawing opposition from the hotel.

“It is a cheap attempt on the part of the conspirators to malign and scandalise the Deputy President because it is believed he has certain interest and association with the property.”

“The suit is being prosecuted to damage him politically.”

“It is precisely because of that political scheme that the petitioner (KCAA) had been forced to file this petition instead of filling an appeal from the decision of the 1st respondent (NLC),” reads a submission filed by Weston lawyer Ahmednasir Abdullahi.

Weston Hotel, through its lawyer, reckon that KCAA was under instructions to undertake a political hatchet job on Ruto and that the case is just a “wanton act of political skullduggery”.

Weston Hotel wants the dismissal of a suit where KCAA wants to repossess the land where the facility sits on.

The hotel said KCAA erred in filing a fresh suit in court instead of challenging a 2019 decision of the NLC.

KCAA wants the decision by NLC directing the management of the hotel to compensate the agency for the land, quashed.

E! News Blog

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