UHURU and RAILA are taking Kenya back to the dark days – MARTHA KARUA says and calls for a revolution to oust the two

Friday, October 16, 2020 –
 Narc Kenya chairperson, Martha Karua, has accused President Uhuru Kenyatta and opposition chief, Raila Odinga, of taking Kenya back to the dark days.

Addressing a press conference, Karua, who is a former Justice and Constitution Minister, claimed there was a scheme by the State to use security agencies to silence politicians critical of the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI).

Karua said Uhuru and Raila have resorted to the use of unconstitutional means to gag leaders as opposed to the push to amend the constitution.

The former Gichugu MP cited the recent directives by the National Security Advisory Committee on political gatherings as part of well-orchestrated attempts by Uhuru to fight certain political leaders.

“It is now time for Kenyans to stand up, speak out and reject these well-documented attempts by the president to overthrow the Constitution of Kenya 2010,” Karua said.

“We must all rise to reject these unconstitutional directives which seek to gag Kenyans opposed to the BBI,” Karua added.

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