UHURU and RAILA’s allies tear RUTO into pieces and accuse him of dishonesty over BBI report – See what they said

 Wednesday, October 28, 2020 – Proponents of the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) report have accused Deputy President William Ruto of dishonesty in opposing it.

The allies of President Uhuru Kenyatta and ODM leader Raila Odinga read mischief in Ruto’s rejection of the proposal to expand the Executive.

Led by ODM Chairman John Mbadi and National Assembly Majority Leader Amos Kimunya, the leaders said the DP has no choice but to oppose the report since he has been critical of the March 9, 2018 handshake between the president and the ODM leader, which birthed the BBI.

According to Mbadi, the creation of the additional positions was to ensure regional balance in the running of Government and not to create positions for the selected few as alleged by Ruto.

“I think he was in a hurry to oppose without giving the matter a proper thought.”

“The proposal envisages that those running for presidency would identify a running mate, candidate for premier and two deputies with a view of meeting regional balance,” he said.

Similar sentiments were echoed by Nairobi Senator Johnson Sakaja, who noted that inclusivity does not mean co-opting the opposition in Government, but about regions and communities feeling included.

 “Inclusivity is about ethnic communities or regions feeling they are part of the government. It is not just about expansion but ensuring that the president, deputy president, prime minister and two deputies come from different regions,” said Sakaja.

On his part, Kimunya dismissed Ruto’s assertion that giving the President powers to appoint Ombudsman to the Judiciary would compromise its independence.

He noted that there was no way the Chief Justice can appoint the Ombudsman expected to check the excesses of the Judiciary and still expect him or her to perform without interference.

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