WILLIAM KABOGO tells MPs to amend BBI or pay a heavy price if they pass it as it is to please UHURU and RAILA.

 Thursday, October 29, 2020 – Former Kiambu County Governor, William Kabogo, has asked MPs to amend the final report of the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) or risk paying a heavy price in the future if they pass it as it is.

Kabogo remarked while responding to Makueni Senator Mutula Kilonzo Jnr, who argued the document had some glaring inconsistencies that needed ironing ahead of a possible referendum.

In a tweet on Wednesday, Mutula asked MPs to navigate the report with an open mind without being rigid.

“Truth be told. I have marked several inconsistencies and contentious issues in the Constitutional Amendment Bill 2020. The proposed retreat of Parliament and /or its leadership should navigate these matters with an open mind,” he wrote.

In response, Kabogo asked Kilonzo Jnr and his fellow lawmakers to amend the document for the benefit of all Kenyans and not just a few leaders at the top who would be rewarded with positions courtesy of an expanded executive.

“If you guys do not justice to the proposed amendment and put Kenya first, you’ll go down in history as the guys who screwed the country and you’ll pay heavily. I’m not a prophet, neither am I a witch doctor,” Kabogo said.

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