BBI is dead on arrival as Mt. Kenya Bishops and Pastors reject the document – Are these men of the cloth on RUTO’s payroll?

 Monday, November 2, 2020 – A section of clerics from Mount Kenya has threatened to reject the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI).

The clerics, under the umbrella of the United Fellowship of Christian Churches, said they would oppose the report, claiming some of the politicians spearheading it lack integrity. 

Led by Bible Truth Israel Church Bishop Johanna Ndirangu, the men of the cloth said that some of the politicians nominated have pending corruption and other integrity cases in courts, a situation they argued might ruin the process.

Clerics observed that BBI main crusaders ought to have picked leaders of integrity to spearhead the process.

“It is quite unfortunate that some of the leaders given the mandate to spearhead BBI campaigns are the same people with pending corruption cases in court.”

They will fail President Uhuru Kenyatta and the document, however, good it may be, might end up being rejected in this region,” said Ndirangu.

Speaking during the burial ceremony of their member in Gatanga, Murang’a over the weekend, the clerics insisted that unless a leader without blemish is brought on board to unite the region, more residents might lose confidence in the BBI proposals.

The initiative has seen rifts between leaders supporting different political factions widen with those supporting the President pushing for the document to pass without further adjustments.

On the other hand, Deputy President William Ruto and his allies have been threatening to shoot BBI down unless the document is opened for further amendments.

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