Inside UHURU and RUTO’s 3-hour closed-door meeting in State House, yesterday, that stopped RAILA ODINGA’s BBI reggae


Thursday, November 19, 2020 – Details of the 3-hour closed-door meeting between President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy, William Ruto, that spelt doom for former Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s Building Bridges Initiative (BBI), have emerged.

According to sources, DP Ruto arrived at State House at 2 pm and after a discussion that lasted until 5 pm, a statement postponing the BBI signature launch was released. 

Hours before the State House meeting, Ruto had reiterated his position that he would only support a non-contested referendum, meaning that opinions from different quarters would have to be considered.

The discussion between the president and the DP fueled talks of a possible compromise on the BBI.

“I love this country enough never to be part of any war.”

“Not when there is a real possibility for a win-win consensus beckoning.”

“An ‘us vs them, yes/no’ contest that will lead to a lose-lose outcome is unnecessary and unwarranted.”

“A non-contested referendum is possible,” Ruto had emphasized, before going into the meeting. 

However, the deliberations that were held at the house on the hill remain a secret for the two Jubilee Party leaders after everyone else was asked to vacate the room.

In a statement signed by BBI joint secretaries, the launch of the collection of signatures had been postponed without providing a timeframe in which it was expected to resume. 

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