Is RAILA ODINGA a hypocrite? – See what he said after he was asked to support KALONZO in the 2022 presidential election

 Monday, November 9, 2020 – Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga is not a trustworthy person going by the response he gave Kitui Senator Enoch Wambua after he asked the ODM supremo to support Wiper Democratic Movement party leader, Kalonzo Musyoka’s presidential bid in 2022.

Wambua, who was speaking on Saturday during the burial of eminent constitutional lawyer Nzamba Kitonga in Mutito, Kitui County, asked Raila Odinga to clear the air on the issue that he was to support Kalonzo after five years because it was the basis of Mr. Musyoka agreeing to be his running mate for two consecutive elections.

However, Mr. Odinga said even if there was such an agreement with Mr. Musyoka, he had not served any term as President to vacate office for anyone.

“Have I served the one five-year term as President?” he asked, adding that leaders should leave the matter between the two of them.

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