NASA CEO NORMAN MAGAYA causes panic among his friends with a cryptic message about his looming eviction and the rising medical bills – Has RAILA abandoned him?

 Tuesday, November 3, 2020 – National Super Alliance (NASA) CEO, Norman Magaya, is on the verge of being evicted from his house over nonpayment of rent.

The ailing close confidant of ODM leader Raila Odinga shared his plight yesterday through cryptic messages, causing panic among his friends and social media followers.

According to him, he is facing eviction from his rental house over rent arrears as his medical bills take a toll on his finances.

“I am on the verge of eviction and embarrassment, I fear nothing, absolutely nothing! From the cold street with my toddler daughters, I shall rise high for God is with me.”

“As the true son of my late father and mother, I shall not beg.”

“I am ready for the consequences and enough of tormenting me and my innocent kids.”

“I have no duty to please anyone.”

“Goodbye world!” Magaya tweeted. 

He added that all his woes were a result of his unwavering political stand and affiliation.

Magaya claimed that he had failed to secure a job, but was ready to steer through the murky waters. 

Magaya collapsed at the Bomas of Kenya in August 2017 during the tabulation of Presidential votes in the 2017 General Elections. He is said to be battling a heart condition. 

He was treated in India in September 2019 after his health deteriorated. ODM reiterated that they were fully supporting Magaya after flying him back into the country in late 2019.

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