NMS boss General MOHAMED BADI is a total embarrassment – Nairobi downtown looks like a cowshed

 Monday, November 9, 2020 – A section of traders in Nairobi are requesting President Uhuru Kenyatta to allow Nairobi Governor, Mike Sonko, to carry out development in the city since Nairobi Metropolitan Service(NMS) boss General Mohamed Badi has failed them.

The businessmen and women who spoke to a local FM station said since the handover of Nairobi County to NMS there has been no real development in the city especially downtown Nairobi.

The traders cited Duruma Road, Ngariama Road, Ngariama lane, Keekorok Road, Charles Rubia road, and some roads connecting Kirinyaga Road and River Road.

“If you look at how Nairobi was during the time of Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko and now, we prefer during governor’s time. NMS is a total embarrassment to Nairobians. 

“Nairobians want roads and not pavements,” Julius Mwangi who owns an electronic shop along Duruma Road said.

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