This is exactly what will happen to DP RUTO and SANG after lawyer PAUL GICHERU surrendered to ICC

 Monday, November 2, 2020 – Deputy President William Ruto’s Presidential bid in 2022 may be in jeopardy after lawyer Paul Gicheru surrendered to the International Criminal Court (ICC) on Monday.

Gicheru surrendered after five years on the run for interfering with witnesses in the 2007/08 post-election violence cases.

Gicheru is suspected of offenses against the administration of justice consisting of corruptly influencing witnesses of the court.

Some of the witnesses said that they were initially bribed by the prosecution to testify against Ruto and Sang.

The charges against Ruto and Sang were vacated and the case terminated but the court said that the case can be revived in light of new evidence.

This means the Prosecutor may indict Ruto and Sang again and charge them afresh with crimes against humanity.

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