UHURU now locks RUTO out of BBI process over his constant complaining as he says BBI will be passed as it is – No more negotiations

 Monday, November 2, 2020 – President Uhuru Kenyatta has hinted at locking Deputy President William Ruto out of the next process regarding the BBI report. 

President Kenyatta and Raila Odinga visited MPs at a retreat in Naivasha where the Head of State stated that the document would be processed as it is. 

This came just days after DP Ruto asked that the document be revised before its possible implementation.

Jubilee Party Vice Chair David Murathe has also criticised Ruto for making submissions when the document was already finalised.

“Where was he during Bomas One?”

“The task force received suggestions and went back to the people to ratify the same but even then, he did not bother to give his views,” the Jubilee Vice-Chair stated. 

The proposed amendments Ruto wants to be factored in the document touch on the structure of the Executive and Parliament, Judiciary, devolution as well as the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC). 

Speaking during a tour of Murang’a, Ruto stated that he would oppose the document if it was not revised.

“If we put issues of mwananchi in BBI, we have no problem.”

“But if we say it is a must, will you support it?” he asked the charged crowd, which responded in a frenzied no.”

“If the issues of mwananchi are not in the report, reggae will stop.”

“Issues of tea, coffee, milk must be incorporated in the report,” Ruto added.

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