Bishops, priests and pastors are the new lords of corruption and masters of double-speak – RAILA now reveals why the church is opposed to BBI

 Monday, December 7, 2020 – Former Prime Minister, Raila Odinga, has accused the Church of promoting corruption by accepting huge donations without questioning their source.

Speaking at St. Stephen’s ACK Cathedral in Kisumu yesterday, Raila castigated the Church, saying it is creating confusion among Kenyans by making contradictory statements about the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) report.

He told those opposed to the BBI and the proposed changes to the Constitution to wait for another opportunity in the future.

The remarks came just a day after Christian leaders complained of being left out of the BBI process.

“There is double-speak on the side of the Church.”

“A church leader was asking us to bring the clergy on board the other day.”

“Where were they when Kenyans were giving their views to the BBI secretariat?” Raila asked.

“If there is an issue bothering you, tell us.”

“Church leaders should not be partisan.”

He cited the Biblical story of Ananias and his wife, who sold property and retained what they were paid instead of surrendering it to the church.

“We must address corruption urgently.”

“Money that is supposed to go to development is taken by the corrupt.”

“The Church should be leading in this fight and not allow itself to be used to launder money.”

“You are taking money whose source is not known,” he said.

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