Economist DAVID NDII reveals the ‘dangerous disease’ that RAILA ODINGA is suffering from – This disease has no cure

 Friday, December 11, 2020 – Renowned economist and former National Super Alliance (NASA) strategist, David Ndii, has revealed the dangerous disease that former Prime Minister, Raila Odinga, is suffering from.

This was after Raila advised doctors on Monday to suspend their strike and to stop holding the government to ransom since it has no money to pay them due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Raila, who was speaking in Kisumu, noted that the Covid-19 pandemic had strained the country’s economy and hence it will not be possible to increase salaries at such a time.

“All I want to do is to appeal to our doctors to be more understanding. We are in a crisis at the moment, people are dying, ordinary Kenyans are also dying of this Covid. 

“We are also in a die-hard situation in as far as the economy is concerned. “This is not the time to hold the government to ransom. 

“The doctors themselves took an oath to protect life, how then do you justify downing your tolls when people are dying?” Raila asked.

Ndii, in a tweet, explained the type of disease Raila is suffering from after his reckless remarks to doctors.

He said Raila Odinga is suffering from a dangerous disease called ‘terminal stage malignant acute greed of power’ which according to him, has no cure.

“This is a very sick man. He is in the terminal stage of malignant acute greed for power,’ Ndii wrote on his Twitter page.

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