I will not negotiate with UHURU, RUTO or MUDAVADI over Matungu Parliamentary seat, may the best man win – RAILA declares ‘war’ in Luhyaland

 Monday, December 7, 2020 – A bruising political battle is looming in Matungu following the burial of the late MP, Justus Murunga, who succumbed to Covid-19 a few weeks ago.

Big political players in the yet-to-be declared Matungu by-election are already angling for a fight.

ODM leader, Raila Odinga, has already indicated that the Orange party will square it out with ANC and Jubilee, in what is promising to be a battle pitting the former prime minister, Deputy President, William Ruto and ANC leader, Musalia Mudavadi.

The race is touted as a precursor for the 2022 contest in Western, with the politicians flexing muscles in readiness for the duel.

Mudavadi is not about to let go of one of the parliamentary seats bagged by his party in Kakamega County in the last elections.

However, he will contend with competition from ODM and Jubilee, who are equally interested in the seat.

Raila has ruled out any possibility of a negotiated democracy to fill the vacant seat as suggested by a section of Mulembe leaders.

“We know we have democracy in Kenya, and we expect things to play out in Matungu just as it was done in Kibra after ODM lost Ken Okoth,” said Raila.

This comes as Kakamega Senator, Cleophas Malala, begged Raila, Uhuru, and Ruto, to leave the seat to Mudavadi’s ANC just like they did in Msambweni.

“We saw in Msambweni where Jubilee sat out of the race in respect for the ODM party; we also call for the same respect to be extended to Mudavadi’s party,” said Malala.

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