JOE NYAGAH may be headed straight to heaven – See what he did minutes before he died yesterday

 Saturday, December 12, 2020 – The late Pentagon member and Minister Joe Nyagah, prayed before he died yesterday of Covid-19.

This was revealed by the younger brother Norman Nyagah.

Speaking yesterday, Norman narrated the last moments he shared with his brother before he took his final bow at the Nairobi Hospital.

He disclosed that his brother waited until he and his wife prayed for him before he took his last breath.

“Joe did me the greatest favour that a brother can do and that is he waited for me to come and hold his hand together with my wife,” he stated.

“We held him, we chatted with him.”

“I’m sure even when you are comatose, you are able to comprehend and hear what you are being told.”

“We then prayed with him and as soon as we finished praying, the world closed on Joe.”

The family further revealed that Nyagah succumbed to Covid-19.

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