Lawyer DANSTAN OMARI reveals the name of the next Nairobi Governor – UHURU and RAILA will endorse him

 Monday, December 21, 2020 – Renowned Political analyst, Danstan Omari, has said Kenyans should not be shocked to see the race to succeed Mike Sonko as the Nairobi governor dominated by the very same old political faces that have been dominating Kenya politics for the last 60 years.

Already, there are claims that President Uhuru Kenyatta and ODM leader Raila Odinga are keen on having the seat and that of the Deputy Governor, filled by their allies, especially now that they are working together

Omari says that this arrangement could see the president endorse former Gatanga MP Peter Kenneth, who he had been trying to groom to take over from him as Mt Kenya kingpin, as the next county boss.

Omari told one of the local dailies that chances are very high that Uhuru will go for the politician, who apart from having unsuccessfully vied for the seat in 2017, has also been working closely with both him and Raila.

“Kenneth has been viewed as a potential successor in Mt Kenya to President Uhuru, so it wouldn’t come as a surprise if he is fronted in Nairobi’s by-election come next year,” Omari said.

The lawyer said this will be Uhuru’s chance to install his man on the seat after Sonko spoiled his (Uhuru) chance to do the same in 2017, where he (Sonko) defeated Kenneth in the Jubilee Party primaries.

“Uhuru’s project was totally destroyed by Sonko in 2017 because he wanted Nairobi to be under someone who would be part of his succession come 2022,” Omari noted.

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