MILLICENT OMANGA shares the last photo she took with Senator KABAKA before he died after a Viagra overdose.

 Sunday, 13 December 2020 – Nominated Senator, Millicent Omanga, has shared a selfie photo that she took with the late Machakos Senator Boniface Kabaka before he died.

The late Senator reportedly died after he overdosed on Viagra.

Kabaka had booked an apartment in Kilimani to have fun with his mpango wa kando, who is a high school teacher before he collapsed due to the effects of Viagra overdose.

He was rushed to a Nairobi hospital where he was admitted to the ICU for a few days and on Friday, his family announced his untimely death.

Omanga shared the last selfie that she took with the late Senator on her Facebook page.

This is what she posted.

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