RUTO is finished as UHURU rolls out a plan to destroy and destabilize his camp completely – You won’t believe he is now doing that has left the DP a worried man

 Saturday, December 12, 2020 – President Uhuru Kenyatta has rolled out a plan to infiltrate Deputy President William Ruto’s camp as the push for the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) enters the penultimate stage.

This was revealed by Senate Majority Whip Irung’u Kang’ata, who confirmed that the Head of State had taken over the BBI campaign and that he was keen on winning over the divided Mt. Kenya region. 

The region has been wavering in its support between Kenyatta and Ruto.

The president’s latest initiative is seen as a move to stamp his authority and destabilise his deputy’s influence in the region. 

According to Kang’ata, Uhuru tasked him with luring Ruto’s Mt. Kenya team, with the aim of convincing them to join the BBI bandwagon.

The Murang’a Senator reached out to vocal Ruto allies including MPs Ndindi Nyoro (Kiharu) and Moses Kuria (Gatundu South). 

“It is true we are having discussions but we are very clear that we will not turn back on our decision to support Ruto in 2022.”

“The other camp is attempting to push ODM leader Raila Odinga in 2022 and we won’t accept it,” Ndindi Nyoro stated. 

To win over the support of Ruto’s diehards, Kenyatta opted to lead negotiations for the BBI report and is keen on achieving a common ground, a position held by the DP.

Kang’ata said that both sides are keen on consensus pointing out that this approach saw the BBI draft amended minutes before the signature collection process began. 

“The President is now taking charge of the BBI and the referendum.”

“He is the one to ascent to the referendum bills and is coordinating the Senate and National Assembly to draft a referendum budget.” 

“He is also accommodating key issues raised by Ruto who enjoys a sizable following in the region,” Kang’ata revealed, noting that the DP’s inroads in Mt. Kenya are a big headache for Uhuru. 

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