RUTO will give UHURU and RAILA a heart attack as he adopts MAGUFULI’s strategy to counter them – Msambweni was just the beginning

 Sunday, December 20, 2020 – Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga and President Uhuru Kenyatta have not seen the last of Deputy President William Ruto after the humiliating defeat in Msambweni in the just concluded by-election.

This is after he hatched a new strategy to counter them ahead of the 2022 General Election

The tactic is famous with Tanzania’s Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) party under President John Magufuli. 

Ruto’s camp used the well-orchestrated plan in by-elections in various regions in the country and is also allegedly plotting to use it to counter the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI).

The strategy failed in Kibra, Nairobi in 2019 but registered success in Msambweni, Kwale County, where independent candidate, Feisal Bader, trounced ODM candidate, Omar Boga.

The strategy dubbed the ‘Ujamaa-style’ involves empowering the people with campaigns beginning from households and villages.

CCM has used it in all of its campaigns including the 2019 controversial elections where Magufuli was accused of rigging. 

Ruto terms it as a bottom-up tactic and letting people have the say.

He argues that there is a need for Kenyans to change the retrogressive politics in the country where a few cabals allegedly dictate how politics will be played. 

“From Msambweni, we have realised that everyone should be involved in the campaign.”

“We are going the CCM way,” former Machakos Senator and Ruto’s strategist, Johnston Muthama confirmed. 

Ruto’s team added that the Tanzanian module is flexible and can be diversified to meet any relevant needs.

However, political analyst Javas Bigambo warned the camp not to let Msambweni victory get into their heads because Raila Odinga’s loss was a wake-up call for him and might disappoint them in another by-election or 2022.

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