See the rituals Kikuyu community elders performed to bless RAILA ODINGA as he faces DP RUTO in 2022

 Monday, December 21, 2020 – A section of Kikuyu community elders visited the home of Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party leader, Raila Odinga, on Saturday, where they blessed him as he prepares to vie for the presidency in 2022.

The elders led by Royal Media Service (RMS) chairman, SK Macharia, visited Raila’s Opoda home in Siaya County where they performed some rituals to bless the indefatigable ODM leader.

The elders slaughtered a “goat of one colour” and drank soup as a traditional way of celebrating a person who is recuperating after being discharged from the hospital.

“I am touched with your concern about my health and I am as fit as a fiddle,” said Mr. Odinga, who earlier in the year travelled to Dubai for treatment.

The Kikuyu elders who visited Raila included Wachira Kiago, Mr. Kigochi Waimiri (high priest), Mr. Kanini Kega (Kieni MP), Mr. Muriithi, DP chairman Esau Kioni, Kiambaa MP Paula Koinange, former Maragua MP Elias Mbau, and former Transport CS Michael Kamau.

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