At last HUDUMA NAMBAs are here after a long wait and Kenyans can’t wait as MATIANG’I directs people where to get them

 Wednesday, January 20, 2021 – The much-awaited Huduma Nambas are finally out.

This was announced by President Uhuru Kenyatta’s government, telling those who applied for Huduma Nambas to wait for the SMS notifications to collect their cards.

The Fred Matiang’i-led Interior ministry said it had rolled out mass printing of the cards ahead of distribution to Kenyans.

“If you registered, you will soon receive an SMS notification prompting you when and where to collect yours,” the ministry said via Twitter.

In November, the government announced that the current National Identification Card (ID card) will be phased out by December 12, 2021, and replaced by Huduma Namba cards.

Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) Cabinet Secretary Joe Mucheru had said the government will begin a nationwide rollout of the cards in December.

Huduma Namba also referred to as the National Integrated Identity Management System (Niims), was introduced in 2019 and was billed as the single source of personal identification for Kenyans and persons resident in Kenya.

During Mashujaa Day celebrations in Kisii last year, the government announced that it was ready to start issuing Huduma Namba cards to Kenyans.

Interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang’i announced as he presented President Uhuru Kenyatta and First Lady Margaret Kenyatta with the country’s first sample cards.

All Kenyans of at least 18 years of age will be required to have the card while children who have attained 6 years will be issued with a minor’s Huduma Namba card.

Some 38 million people had registered for the card by the time the Sh9.6 billion exercise closed in May last year.

The process, however, was dogged by controversy amid claims that it would violate the rights of individuals.

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