Big blow to RAILA ODINGA as lawyer AHMEDNASIR ABDULLAHI declares who he will support for Presidency in 2022 – UHURU made a major blunder on Saturday

 Monday, January 11, 2021 – Celebrated Nairobi lawyer, Ahmednasir Abdullahi, has revealed the identity of the presidential candidate he will support in the 2022 presidential elections.

Commenting on social media on Sunday, Ahmednasir, who in social circles is known as Grand Mullah, said he has decided to name his candidate after President Uhuru Kenyatta declared that members of Kikuyu and Kalenjin communities should not vie for presidency in 2022 and should leave the positions for other tribes.

“I heard some leaders talking somewhere in Msambweni that they are tired of certain families…some of the seats they hold currently are because of my votes. Let’s respect each other because a country where people do not respect each other cannot stand.

“If there’s any truth from those who spoke and that you are tired of certain families and now you are saying it’s time for others…then if that is your logic, I can also stand here and say…there are only two communities that have ruled Kenya since independence…maybe it’s time for another community to lead…isn’t that so?” Uhuru said in a burial in Vihiga County on Saturday.

Following Uhuru’s speech, Ahmednasir said he will elect a person from the Kikuyu or Kalenjin communities since the president ostracized them.

“Kenyans are VERY ANGRY with yesterday’s DECLARATION by the political elites disqualifying members of 2 ethnic communities from running for President in 2022. I have decided that in 2022 INSHAALLAH I will only vote for a candidate from the two ostracized tribes,” Ahmednasir wrote on his Twitter page.

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