DAVID NDII compares DP RUTO to late JM KARIUKI – Claims he may be assassinated by Deep State

 Tuesday, January 19, 2021 – Former National Super Alliance (NASA) strategist, David Ndii, has claimed Deputy President William Ruto may be assassinated for creating a class war between hustlers and dynasties.

For the last one year, Ruto has been mobilizing and organizing his political base along the dominant social-economic cleavages, and not the usual ethnic-regional conundrum – often presented as transient ethnic kingpin coalitions during general elections.

Certainly, Ruto’s invocation of an existing socio-economic cleavage between those in power and unemployed youth has irked the “dynasties” who are baying for his blood.

According to Ndii, who is an Oxford-trained economist, Ruto has succeeded in creating a class war of the rich and the poor like former Nyandarua MP, JM Kariuki, who was assassinated by Jomo Kenyatta in 1975 for saying “Kenya has become a nation of 10 millionaires and 10 million beggars,”

“So what if Ruto is the devil? Truth be told, he has succeeded where many radical politicians/intellectuals—Kaggia, JM, Ngugi, Thiong’o, Koigi, many others failed—frame a class discourse that transcends tribes. JM came close (hoping Ruto does not meet the same fate),” Ndii wrote on his Twitter page.

E! News Blog

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  1. I think it's high time Kenya to see ahead we are human beings, we should not behave like the devil strategies if I wish all the leaders and citizens to know that the day of judgement ie worse and you may not know the time Jesus will come yet somebody tycoons in Kenya politics steals citizens customs and taxes knowing that hell is real and is watching from above where rains and sun comes both the just &unjust that's why Jesus Christ said only few will enter heaven while the rest plus the devil and his followers enjoys fire,red brimstone and smoke like smell of hot sulphur #continue being corrupt heaven is real
