DP RUTO urges UHURU to stop blackmail – Don’t think Kenyans are stupid – Wajinga wameisha Kenya!


Monday, January 11, 2021 – Deputy President William Ruto has declared total war with President Uhuru Kenyatta for saying Kikuyu and Kalenjin communities should give other communities a chance to rule Kenya in 2022.

Uhuru, who was speaking on Saturday during the funeral ceremony of Amani National Congress(ANC) party leader, Musalia Mudavadi’s mother, Hannah Mudavadi in Vihiga County, said Kikuyu and Kalenjin communities have produced the country’s four presidents since Independence and should pave the way for other communities.

“Even me, I can stand here and say there are only two Kenyan communities that have led. Maybe it’s time for other tribes to lead. Kenya has many communities,” Uhuru said, getting a standing ovation from the mourners.

But Ruto in a rejoinder accused Uhuru of dragging the country back to what he called the backward politics of tribalism.

The DP said he supported Uhuru thrice, knowing that he was a Kikuyu and the son of a former President.

“Many of those who were speaking Saturday [at the burial of Musalia Mudavadi’s mother] are the ones who were telling me you cannot support another Kikuyu and I told them I am not supporting Uhuru Kenyatta because of his tribe, I am supporting him because we have a plan to change Kenya,” Ruto said at the House of Hope Church in Kayole on Sunday.

The angry DP said he rallied behind Uhuru with Kibaki still at State House in a deliberate move to end what he termed “the politics of stupidity of grouping people in tribes”.

“Don’t drive us the narrative of exclusion, of telling us about tribes and tribal chiefs. My friends, Wajinga wameisha Kenya,” Ruto said.

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