Here is the name of a presenter at INOORO FM who is on KARANJA KIBICHO’s payroll to poison Kikuyus against RUTO

 Wednesday, January 20, 2021 – A fast fading Inooro FM journalist has been hired by Deep State to poison the Kikuyu community against Deputy William Ruto.

Ruto, who is strategically placing himself as the front-runner candidate to succeed President Uhuru Kenyatta in 2022, has a cult following in the Mt Kenya region, a thing that is disturbing members of the deep state led by President Uhuru Kenyatta and Interior Principal Secretary, Karanja Kibicho.

‘Deep state’ is a group of influential politicians, state officers who decide on who will govern the country.

To cut Ruto to size, Karanja Kibicho and his lot have sought the services of Inooro FM Journalist, Nderitu Waihura, to preach the anti-Ruto gospel in Mt Kenya region.

Nderitu through his popular programme, Keera, on Inooro FM, has been tasked with the job of spitting venom on Ruto and also dismissing the DP’s hustler movement.

This Nderitu Waihura is using Inooro to spread tribalism and hatred words against Hustlers. Aambiwe Mt Kenya are behind our Hustlers Commander Dr. William Ruto. Ameze wembe na hatubanduki huko.Nonsense Presenter. He always insults all leaders who support Dr. William Ruto from Mt Kenya region Hustler Nation is unstoppable” One of Inooro FM followers protested on Facebook.

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