Jubilee Senator reveals how SONKO and WAITITU helped UHURU beat RAILA ODINGA in 2013 and 2017 – The President is thankless

 Wednesday, January 20, 2021 – An outspoken Jubilee Party Senator has termed President Uhuru Kenyatta as a thankless man for overseeing the impeachment of Ferdinand Waititu as governor of Kiambu county and Mike Sonko as Nairobi governor.

Commenting on his Twitter page on Wednesday, Kericho Senator, Aaron Cheruiyot, said Sonko and Waititu helped Uhuru and deputy president William Ruto win the Nairobi electorate since they were very new to Nairobi politics.

The senator said Uhuru is a thankless politician for engineering the removal of Waititu and Sonko.

“On this Sonko- Uhuru debate on who helped the other, remember this. In 2012, Uhuru & Ruto were upcountry politicians, it’s Sonko and Waititu who really worked for their penetration into Nbi. The 2 are now jobless thanks to Uhuru…. Anyway, nothing unique..who still has a job ?,” Cheruiyot wrote.

Sonko and Waititu were impeached over corruption allegations and gross violation of the constitution.

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