ODM now weighing options as it begins searching for a suitable presidential candidate that will beat RUTO by 9 am in 2022 – Has ODM lost confidence in RAILA?

 Wednesday, January 20, 2021 – The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party has embarked on a mission to look for a formidable candidate to fly the party’s flag in the 2022 General Election.

The move has raised serious concerns on whether the ODM has lost confidence in former Prime Minister Raila Odinga, who has been its sole presidential candidate since its inception in 2005.

The ODM’s National Election Board has been tasked to run an advertisement in local dailies to invite applications from interested candidates who have what it takes to beat its fiercest enemy, Deputy President William Ruto, in the 2022 elections.

This comes even as former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has declared his interest in the presidency, warning Ruto to prepare for a bruising battle in 2022.

Raila has vowed to make sure that his last stab at the presidency counts and that he will do anything to beat everybody in 2022.

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