RAILA realizes UHURU may never give him the much-needed votes from Kikuyus as he shifts focus to recover lost ground as he slowly abandons BBI

 Thursday, January 21, 2021 – Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga seems to have opened his eyes about President Uhuru Kenyatta’s dwindling political influence in Mt. Kenya.

This is after he shifted his focus to recover his lost political bases ahead of the 2022 General Election after realizing that Uhuru may not be of much help to him.

Raila has also embarked on a mission to groom his successor as the Orange Democratic Movement began the process of identifying a suitable presidential candidate for the 2022 General Election.

ODM’s decision to focus on the presidential succession race may have been informed by a perceived fear that Uhuru might fail to rally his supporters to back party leader Raila Odinga in the wake of a resurgent Deputy President William Ruto.

Sources at yesterday’s meeting described it as ‘stormy’, with the general feeling being that Central Kenya may not add much to Raila’s vote basket due to the region’s perceived dislike for proposed constitutional changes through the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI).

There were also concerns that Ruto is already campaigning for the top seat. 

The DP’s camp has heightened its political activities and recently won over Chama Cha Mashinani party leader and former Bomet Governor Isaac Ruto, who pledged to support Ruto’s presidential bid.

The move appeared to suggest that the party may be diverting its energy from the BBI, a pet project of Uhuru and Raila, to focus on next year’s elections.

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