See how MUTULA KILONZO JR. embarrassed RUTO in front of thousands of mourners – The DP was wishing the earth would swallow him

 Sunday, January 10, 2021 – Makueni Senator, Mutula Kilonzo Jr., has told Deputy President William Ruto not to bribe the electorate in Ukambani in his quest for the presidency in 2022.

Speaking during the burial service of his late uncle James Ngui Ndambuki at African Inland Church (AIC), Utangwa Primary School, Mbooni Constituency, in an event attended by the DP, the lawmaker insisted the Kamba people are hardworking people who don’t need handouts.

“Mr. Deputy President, in your quest for the 2022 presidency, please remember Ukambani people do need not handouts. We are hardworking people and we have a fertile land…what we need is just a market for the products produced by our farmers here…please remember them,” Kilonzo said.

The senator said the region already has a presidential candidate in the name of Kalonzo Musyoka, the Wiper party leader, and as such, Ruto should seek his votes like anyone else saying the loser would take up the position of the official leader of Opposition proposed in the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI).

“You know us here in Ukambani, we have our own presidential candidate. And we are very honest people, that’s why the late retired president Daniel Moi loved us,” Kilonzo stated.

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