See how RUTO reacted after KALONZO stripped him naked by unveiling all his mega corruption scandals

 Tuesday, January 19, 2021 – Former Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka went on the offensive yesterday, attacking and discrediting Deputy President William Ruto.

This is after Ruto accused him of grabbing the National Youth Service land in Yatta.

The move saw Kalonzo come out guns blazing, saying he is as clean as grade one cotton.

Instead, Kalonzo listed all scandals that Ruto has been involved in, from Weston Hotel land scandal, to Lang’ata Primary School land scandal.

But in response, Ruto, through his spokesman, David Mugonyi, dismissed Kalonzo’s sentiments, arguing that the former vice president was seeking political mileage.

He alleged that the statement by Kalonzo was intended to salvage support for Wiper Kenya’s candidate in the upcoming by-elections in Machakos.

“Kalonzo does not have confidence in his candidate. In his panic, he has saddled himself with a ridiculous heap of bizarre allegations in pursuit of Deputy President William Ruto.”

“He must desist from the cheap tactics of trying to salvage his political mojo by attacking the Deputy President,” Mugonyi was quoted as saying.

He further stated that an audit into Kalonzo’s lifestyle would be in the best interest of Kenyans.

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