Shock as Deputy Governor’s appointment rejected over fake Certificate of good conduct as well as fake CRB and HELB certificates – This guy belongs to jail

 Wednesday, January 20, 2021 – Nyamira County Assembly has rejected Governor Amos Nyaribo’s nominee for Deputy Governor, James Gesami.

Gesami was rejected by the County Assembly which voted during a sitting marred with chaos.

21 MCAs voted to reject Gesami and only 15 voted to support his nomination.

The MCAs upheld a report by the Appointment Committee which had raised concerns that Gesami was not fit for office.

“The County Assembly of Nyamira vetted and rejected the nomination of Dr. James Ondicho Gesami to the position of Deputy Governor of the County Government of Nyamira by a resolution passed by the Honourable House held on Tuesday, January 19, 2021,” read the verdict signed by speaker Moffat Teya.

It was claimed that the nominee was in possession of questionable documents including the CRB Clearance Certificate and Certificate of good conduct.

The verdict was arrived at after the MCAs fell out over the mode in which they were to vote for the motion.

The MCAs from both sides that opposed and supported the nomination had stood their ground regarding a decision on whether to amend the report from the Appointing Committee.

His supporters claimed that Gesami was not given a time window to present documents that took time to process.

Those who opposed his nomination, on the other hand, maintained that he had not presented some crucial documents before the assembly.

Some of the documents included clearance certificates from the Higher Education Loans Board, the National Police Service, and the Credit Reference Bureau.

E! News Blog

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