Shock as RAILA ODINGA disowns troubled MIKE SONKO – See what BABA said after the embattled former governor tried to meet him face to face by force

 Friday, January 22, 2021 – Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has distanced himself from allegations that he was scheduled to meet former Nairobi Governor Mike Mbuvi Sonko face-to-face at his Capitol Hill offices yesterday.

This is after Sonko stormed his way past Raila’s security guards at Capitol Hill demanding to meet face-to-face with the ODM leader, claiming Baba was expecting him

But his efforts ended up in smoke as Raila’s security repulsed him and did not allow him to see Baba.

Speaking after the incident, Raila Odinga, through his Personal  Assistant, Dennis Onyango, confirmed that Sonko indeed stormed into his boss’ office and demanded to meet him face to face.

According to Onyango, Sonko didn’t have an appointment to meet Raila and thus the repulsion. 

“It is true, he (Sonko) came to Capitol Hill and wanted to see Raila.”

“The PM was not expecting him and we did and do not know his agenda,” Onyango said. 

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