SHOCK as it emerges that famous Akorino singer, ALLAN AARON, dumped his wife and kids like rotten cabbages after US trip

 Monday, 11 January 2021 – Faded Akorino gospel singer, Allan Aaron, has been exposed badly by his wife after he dumped her and their 4 kids.

Allan’s wife, Shiku, revealed that things turned south after her celebrity husband flew to the United States of America for a music tour.

When he landed in the US, he started being too busy for his wife and kids.

He then cut communication and blocked her on the phone and social media.

 “He was very okay when he was leaving but after a few months, he started being too busy for me. He started acting funny. He would not pick up my calls and whenever he did, he had very unkind words for me, after a while there was no communication as he had blocked me on phone and social media,” Shiku said.

Shiku struggled to raise their kids’ singlehandedly after her husband abandoned them.

Before he went to the US, he had promised to send her money to support a business they had started together in Nairobi, a promise that he didn’t honour.

To make matters worse, her husband returned to the country from the US without her knowledge.

According to the mother of 4, they lost communication and one day when she was attending a burial, she met her husband and that’s when reality dawned on her that he was already in the country.

Shiku thought that her husband would return home after the burial and even prepared a sumptuous meal for him.

However, he came back home a few days later, packed his belongings and left.

 “He did not even greet me but went straight to the bedroom and started packing his clothes. He also unmounted the television, leaving the children so stranded,” she added.

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