We don’t need Kikuyus, we can do without them! ODM shocks UHURU as RAILA begins divorcing him bit by bit – RUTO was right!


Thursday, January 21, 2021 – Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s ODM party is treading cautiously with President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Jubilee faction after realizing that he may not be of much significance in 2022.

ODM fears that President Uhuru Kenyatta might fail to rally his supporters to back party leader Raila Odinga for president in 2022 in the wake of a resurgent Deputy President William Ruto, who has poisoned Kikuyus against Uhuru, especially on the Building Bridges Initiative, which is proving difficult to sell in Mt. Kenya.

Speaking yesterday, ODM announced that it was shifting its focus from BBI to the 2022 General Election, noting that the party will advertise for people who want to run for the presidency on the ODM ticket to apply.

ODM Deputy Party Leader and Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya said party members felt there was a need to get ready for the presidential race since their opponents have already hit the ground running. 

“It is true that we have to start moving forward because the election date is not going to change,” he said.

The governor also said it was not a must for Raila to get the backing of Mt. Kenya because the regions that have supported him in past polls were enough to deliver victory.

“We have always done well without Central in the past elections.”

“It will not be do-or-die so long as we get a few votes from the region and retain our strongholds,” said Oparanya.

Ruto had warned that Raila was planning to abandon the handshake after destroying Uhuru’s Jubilee Government.

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