You are a witch, you have bewitched UHURU! RUTO now tells RAILA as he threatens to throw him out of government

 Tuesday, January 19, 2021 – Deputy President William Ruto has accused former Prime Minister Raila Odinga of spoiling the party for him and President Uhuru Kenyatta since his backdoor entry into Jubilee through the handshake.

Speaking in Kericho, the DP challenged Raila to play his role as an Opposition leader instead of having one leg in government and the other outside it.

He accused the former PM of ‘bewitching’ Uhuru, noting that the Jubilee government had been on the road to fixing the economy, but the entry of Raila into government had turned the policies and priorities upside down.

“We welcomed you (in government).”

“Please have some manners or go back to the Opposition.”

“You cannot continue to lecture us on why certain things have not happened yet you are the one causing confusion,” Ruto said while responding to Raila’s attack on him where he blamed him for the Jubilee government’s failures.

 At the same time, Ruto vowed to continue with his hustler movement despite strong opposition from Raila and his handshake allies.

“I have heard him (Odinga) asking me to state what I have done for this country.”

“I want to ask him to tell Kenyans how he has helped them in his entire political life, other than being hungry for power,” asked Ruto.

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