Clear our HELB loans and CRB or else we will join RUTO to ensure BBI does not see the light of day – Hustlers give UHURU and RAILA an ultimatum

 Saturday, February 6, 2021 – President Uhuru Kenyatta and ODM leader, Raila Odinga, seem to have opened the Pandora’s Box by bribing MCAs with Sh2 million car grants in order for them to pass the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) document.

This is after youths demanded that the national government should step in and clear their debts with the Higher Education Loans Board (HELB) and expunge their names from Credit Reference Bureaus (CRB) for them to consider voting for the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) report.

The young people threatened to join Deputy President William Ruto in shooting the BBI down if Uhuru and Raila would not grant their request.

“In the car grant spirit, our CRB and HELB loans must be cleared before we pass this thing,” one social media user said.

“If MCAs will be granted Ksh2 million to pass the BBI, graduates should also be granted loan clearance for CRB and HELB.”

“We need a robust conversation because Kenya doesn’t belong to politicians alone,” he added.

Thousands of Kenyans joined in the conversation across various social media platforms, with the level of unemployment among Kenya’s youth emerging as a key theme.

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