Did MOI intentionally make Baringo people poor to rule them forever? – Leaders up in arms after his son, RAYMOND, called them poor and unreasonable people

 Sunday February 14, 2021 – Rongai MP Raymond Moi, the son of former President Daniel arap Moi, is in deep trouble for calling the people of Baringo County poor despite the Moi’s having represented them since time immemorial.

This is after the county became the first one in the country to reject BBI despite it seeking to bring more money to the people.

“Hii Baringo ni county ingine ikona umaskini zaidi, county kavu inakaa kama Kitui na wanakataa BBI, na hao ni MCAs,’’ Raymond said.

However, Raymond’s remarks have elicited a lot of reaction from the Baringo MCAs most of whom have faulted Raymond for making such remarks yet his father was president for 24 years and his brother Gideon Moi serving as the county senator.

“I want to give you a synopsis of Baringo County.”

“In the year 1955 to 1963 former president Moi represented us in the legislative counsel, from 1963 to 2002 he was MP for Baringo Central. From 2002 to 2007, Gideon Moi was the MP for Baringo Central.”

“His son, Gideon Moi, went on to be Baringo senator,” an MCA said.

“All the leadership has been in the Moi family.”

“Raymond has become an MP in Rongai and most of the people in Rongai are from Baringo.”

“All this leadership has been in the Moi family, then why are people from Baringo poor?”

“Now his son has the guts to say Baringo is poor, we are poor because of the Moi family,” he added.

Some have accused the Moi family of intentionally making the county poor to enable them rule.

“I want to tell Raymond Moi to respect us.”

“I don’t know whether BBI was their property and if that is the reason he is verbally assaulting us now that we have rejected BBI.”

“We are sober and we decided we don’t want BBI, so stop attacking us verbally.”

“Let us practice our democratic right,” another MCA added.

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