Kill BBI, kill RAILA ODINGA! BABA’s tongue slips as he indirectly tells RUTO his secret weapon ahead of 2022

 Saturday, February 6, 2021 – Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has remained tight-lipped on the 2022 General Election as time goes by.

Speaking yesterday, Raila indirectly spilled the beans on what makes him tick ahead of the 2022 General Election.

He said the decision to vie for president in 2022 will solely depend on the fate of the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) bill.

This is despite close allies mounting pressure on him to declare his candidature in advance so they can start hitting the road to fend off Deputy President William Ruto’s growing popularity.

He noted that the success of the BBI bill will play an integral role in his decision to give a stab at the presidency for the fifth time.

“Kabla BBI haijapita sisema kama nitasimama ama mimi sitasimama (Before BBI passes, I cannot announce whether I will vie or not),”said Raila.

The revelation now gives Deputy President William Ruto fresh impetus to shoot down BBI and in the process jeopardize Raila’s chances at the presidency.

The former prime minister has been popularizing the BBI document across the country since its official launch in October 2020.

He began a 3-day tour of Turkana Country yesterday where he drummed up support for the proposals contained in the bill which was born out of his handshake pact with President Uhuru Kenyatta.

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