RAILA’s man, JUNET MOHAMMED, forced to apologize after alleging that ISAAC MWAURA bleached himself for BABA to nominate him to parliament

 Monday, February 8, 2021 – Suna East Member of Parliament, Junet Mohammed, has bowed to pressure and apologized to people born with albinism after his “insensitive” remarks towards nominated Senator Isaac Mwaura.

Junet has been under fire after claiming Mwaura ‘bleached’ himself so as to get a nomination slot to represent people with disabilities in Parliament.

Taking to Twitter on Sunday, Junet said his sentiments were taken out of context clarifying that they were only directed at Mwaura because of his “rotten” character.

“I want to apologize to people born with albinism.”

“My comments in no way reflect my opinions of them as upstanding citizens of our county.”

“My comments were directed at the rotten character of Isaac Mwaura who exploits his disability for personal gain and incitement of violence,” said Junet.

Junet affirmed that he has no intention of attacking people living with albinism.

Persons living with disabilities in Kenya have since come out to condemn in the strongest terms the remarks made by Junet.

They had called on Junet Mohammed to immediately withdraw and apologies for his rather unfortunate, demeaning and derogatory remarks towards their leader if at all he deserves the title of an honorable member of parliament.

The National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) said it is considering taking action against Junet.

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