RUTO’s impeachment gathers momentum as more MPs append signatures to fire the DP as UHURU’s No.2 – Look! His end is near


Friday, February 5, 2021 – The campaign to impeach Deputy President William Ruto has gained momentum as more MPs sign the petition to send him packing.

This was revealed by Lugari MP, Ayub Savula, who is sponsoring the motion to impeach the DP for undermining President Uhuru Kenyatta.

According to Savula, the motion to impeach the Deputy President was in the signature collection stage. 

He noted that 126 MPs under the Jubilee Party have already put their signatures on the motion as of last week.

He further noted that he was mobilizing another 107 MPs from the NASA coalition who will be appending their signatures before parliament resumes fully.

 “It is laughable because they do not understand the number of MPs from across the political divide who are supporting this motion,” he said.

The MP insisted that he was confident he would surpass the 233 MPs required to vote out the Deputy President.

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