See the 5 brutal tactics UHURU and the deep state are using to frustrate and terrorize MIKE SONKO after his arrest in order to beat him into submission

 Friday, February 5, 2021 – President Uhuru Kenyatta and the deep state have hatched a plot to frustrate former Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko until he learns his lessons to respect those in power.

The deep state has come up with five ways in which to frustrate Sonko and they are brutal.

Multiple cases in a span of 4 days; First, Sonko thought that he would be facing charges relating to planning chaos in the 2017 election which he had publicly admitted to having stage-managed when he surrendered himself to DCI headquarters only to find the government had more.

He has since been accused of terror-related charges, corruption and robbery with violence among other charges.

Moved from one court to another;– Sonko’s cases were handled in several courts from the Anti-Corruption court in Nairobi where he answered fraud charges to Kiambu Law Courts where he was accused of robbery with violence and assault to Kahawa West Law Court where he was charged with terror-related charges. 

Other Past Cases Unveiled;– The deep state has revived Sonko’s earlier cases, among them Shimo la Tewa prison case in which he is accused of escaping prison where he was serving a six-month jail term.

Heavy Police Presence; – Sonko was escorted by the Anti-Terror police while being moved from one court and prison to another just to intimidate him. 

Police officers sandwiched him inside the police van with two Anti-Terror Police vehicles serving as chase cars. At the law courts, the law enforcers also guarded the premises. 

Detention; – Sonko was denied bail with the court ruling that an application will be made on Tuesday, February 9.

This means that he would have already spent more than a week in jail at Gigiri Police Station.

Efforts to transfer him to Muthaiga Police Station backfired after the court ruled against his application. 

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